Sunrise Woodworks LTD
Welcome to Sunrise Woodworks LTD, located in Mancos Colorado. My name is Matt Redford, I am a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and I currently teach 5th grade in Cortez. I am passionate about creating high quality woodwork products using local materials wherever possible. I work out of my home woodshop which I have been building over the past year. Every morning at sunrise I enjoy sipping tea and starting my work day with a view of the sunrise over Mesa Verde.
38501 Rd K.4, Mancos, CO 81328 | 720-514-1665 | sunrisewoodworksmancos@gmail.com
I enjoy making simple and practical furniture, like this small outside table.
I have been experimenting with ply wood to create these geometric patterns. This is a drill bit holder I made for my shop.
I have been making frames for several years now. I saw this style at a mountain hut in Italy and was inspired to create a variety of frames in this style to house our mountain photos.